Happy Monday! Did you all have a good weekend? Mine was a nightmare - Friday morning when I got out of bed. I stood up and I had the sensation the room was spinning and whirling all around me and it lasted about15 seconds. It happened a few more times during the day but only lasted a few seconds each time. Friday night I laid down and whammo it happened again and it didn't go away. The room felt like it was spinning around me and my vision was distorted at the same time. I couldn't find the bed post to hold onto because it was bouncing up and down in my vision and I ended up falling on the floor. It probably only lasted a minute but felt like an eternity and it scared me enough to go to the ER. They did a CAT Scan and the ER doctor says "I have bad news for you, you have a brain tumor" WHAT? He showed me the CAT Scan and sure enough there was a white out section and I was admited so I would have an MRI and see a neurosurgeon ASAP. My husband and I were in a state of shock to say the least. On Saturday they did the MRI and MRA and I was taken back down 4 hours later for another MRI. The neurologist came and saw me Saturday night and announced I had two different types of tumors. TWO???? You got to be kidding me. He wrote an order for a consult with a neurosurgeon to come see me. To make the rest of this long story short - the neurosurgeon arrived late Sunday night and told me they were benign tumors, were not the cause of my symptoms and small and I didn't require surgery at this time but would need an MRI every 6 months to a year. So after 48 hours of terror that part was finally over.
I want to thank everyone for the prayers, good wishes and the awesome friendship bestowed upon me. I have the best friends in the world and cannot imagine a world without you - thank you , you made it all bearable and love you .
I am sitting here in my hospital bed still having vertigo when I mov my head in different directions. Everyone put the reason I came to the hospital on hold when the tumors were found. So we will see.... maybe they will send me home today and tell me to see a specialist as an out patient. I'm kind of tired of looking at four walls...
This is a card I made my father several weeks ago and to be honest I forget everything I used to make it and all the info is at home. It's funny for when I saw this image it instantly reminded me of my father who is 89 years old. He has no butt and his blue jeans were always falling off of his waist and he never sat still - after work and weekends and was always tinkering with something in the house.
I love the paper I found in my stash for it looks just like ceramic tile!

And, even though my father really doesn't look like the below image - it still reminded me him because he is always spilling his coffee.
So hopefully I get to go home today or they find out what is causing this vertigo either way have a great week!
Challenges entered:
I can't tell you how happy I was to find out the part two/good news about those tumors! I hope they get the spinning room fixed soon so you can go home. (you better quit worrying about the magazine...)
Now did you really just announce your dad's asslessness to the world?! ;D Cute cards!
Fantastic news about the tumors being benign. Hope you're feeling well soon. I get vertigo sometimes, especially this time of year when my ears are clogged because of allergies.
What a JOY it is to hear such wonderful NEWS!!!
Thank God !! :)
Love and hugs,
So happy for you Colleen. Just take it easy and hope you are home soon. What a fun card for your Dad, hugs, Ursula
Your card is Fantastic, I'm so sorry about all you're going through, how scary, I'll be adding you to our prayers.
Hugs, Lori m
Hope you feel better soon.
Love the cards Colleen!!!
And part two is fantastic!
And about the vertigo, did you tell the doctors about your flight with loopings????
Big hugz, Sandra
Oh My goodness - that must have been so scary. Good news that they are benign. Yep as Sandra says, I would mention the loop to loop on your trip! You just never know. Your cards are so funny by the way. Hugs, Karon
I was so happy to hear that the tumors they found were benign, Colleen. Prayers answered, for sure! Hope you can find out what's causing the vertigo soon so you can be on your way home. Keeping you in my prayers. Hugs!
Oh, and your card is way too cute!
Omg Colleen, what a weekend you have had, I suffer from vertigo and it comes and goes I have medication for it, I hope they can get you sorted and let you go home, you are in my thoughts and prayers.
The cards are both fabulous.
Kevin xx
Oh, Colleen, I was so thrilled to see you posting today! And sooooo happy to hear that your tumors are benign! Now they just need to figure out that vertigo--sometimes I get it with ear problems--can be from crystals coming out of the solution in your ear and bouncing around in there. Or an ear infection! So let's hope it is something that simple. In the meantime, I wish you well and will keep praying for your speedy recovery! :^)
Love your cards, btw! They are both so cute and made me smile big-time! :^)
Gargantuan hugs, Penny
So pleased that the tumours are benign and no surgery needed my friend. Have been thinking and praying for you. Love the 2 cards you're showcasing. Wouldn't mind my butt looking so nice and firm at that age...lol Love and hugs Sharon xx
Oh my gosh Colleen, what a nightmare...well, at least there was a happy ending. I hope they find the cause of the vertigo! I will be thinking of you! xo
Your card made made me laugh - specially the bit about your dad's backside...
Colleen, dear blog buddy, thank God you got a clean chit. You are such a lovely soul, so no negative can happen... and I am sorry about this vertigo... My mum lives on her own and she got these attacks some time ago. They are not one bit pleasant...
You are in my prayers,
Monica with much love
Your card made made me laugh - specially the bit about your dad's backside...
Colleen, dear blog buddy, thank God you got a clean chit. You are such a lovely soul, so no negative can happen... and I am sorry about this vertigo... My mum lives on her own and she got these attacks some time ago. They are not one bit pleasant...
You are in my prayers,
Monica with much love
Oh dear Colleen I am so sorry you aren't feeling well ! I've got BPPV so I know what vertigos are like ! I am on tablets all the time... A friend of mine had the same thing as you and the GP said she had a virus, after six weeks at home she was back to normal... I'll pray for you Sweetie ! Your cards are gorgeous, they made me laugh ! Hugs, blessings and love from Catherine
These are a crackup!
So glad you're home and hopefully resting some (-:
Big hug GF....will continue to pray they figure cause of vertigo
My heart almost stopped beating when I heard the initial news Colleen. We were just planning our get together and BAM out of nowhere this horrible situation. The plane ride is seriously something you should mention to the doctors and let them decide. You never know if your inner ear and it's intricate makeup was altered. As for the tumors, I am considering this to be a blessing that they found them and now are under a watchful eye!
I totally understand your scary encounter with the vertigo as this is a regular occurrence for me with Chiari. It is very scary at times and can ruin a perfectly good day or evening, LOL.
I love these images, and the reasons behind why you picked them..Dad's are so very special!
Love ya girlie :)S
Firstly, I am thankful to the Lord for the awesome news. More importantly, that the tumors are discovered and now you can keep an eye on them. Our Lord works in mysterious ways and this is a blessing. Prayers have been answered and I am so blessed to have meet you and be a part of your team. Your cards are delightful and especially face the second. Hugs my sistah.
Such a nightmare you went through! So very glad for you that the intial diagnosis was subsequently changed for the better and lets hope the vertigo gets sorted too!!
Btw the cards are hilarious :)
What a terrifying ordeal...and I'm thankful you at least had some positive news from it. I have a friend who has recently dealt with a similar situation, and she is doing just fine. Very scared at first, just like you. Loved your card....sounds perfect for your Dad and I'm sure he'll love. Hugs.
Colleen, so glad the verdict is a 'clean' one, but what an emotional roller coaster you went on! And perhaps the vertigo happening was a good thing as it picked up that tumour problem. I battle with Meniere's so know all about that vertigo! Take a look at this site and let the doc also test you for this.
Good grief Colleen, what a scare the doctors gave you!! I'm so happy to hear that the tumours are benign. Hope they've sorted the vertigo by now and you're home again.
Sending lots of healing hugs your way xx
PS The card is a hoot :)
Thought I would by and see how you are doing. What a nightmare. So glad thing turned out, now you need to take care of yourself and pay attention to your body when it is telling you something.
Love your 2 cards, Dad's are so special, I'm so glad you still have your and all the wonderful memories are so special. Have a super day.
Hugs, Patricia
Love your Dad cards. xx
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